ONEOK Announces 1.7 Bcf/d of Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansions in the Permian Basin and Oklahoma
ONEOK Announces 1.7 Bcf/d of Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansions in the Permian Basin and Oklahoma
ONEOK Announces 1.7 Bcf/d of Natural Gas Infrastructure Expansions in the Permian Basin and Oklahoma
Pacific Coast Oil Trust Announces July Cash Distribution
U.S. Silica Announces Appointment of Daniel Miers as President of SandBox Logistics
AEGEAN MARINE PETROLEUM NETWORK INC. INVESTOR ALERT:  Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP announces that a securities class action lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc.
Snam, International Gas Union and The Boston Consulting Group Release the 2018 Global Gas Report: More Than 90% of Global Gas' Consumption Growth to 2040 Coming from Cities
Anadarko EVP Mitch Ingram said that the Mozambique LNG project appears to be in position to take FID (Final Investment Decision) in the first half of 2019. Ingram was speaking at an energy conference this week. He also noted that Anadarko has found there to be roughly $4 billion in cost savings compared to its 2016 estimates. Mozambique Area 1
SoCalGas Helps Local Fleet Owners with Purchases of New Near-Zero Emissions Natural Gas Trucks
Schlumberger Limited: Future Fundamentals Are Stable
EPIC NGL Permian Basin-to-Corpus Christi Pipeline Completes Phase Two Construction
Blackbird Energy, Inc. (TSX-V:BBI) announced that for the three months ended April 30,2018 the company achieved a record high of $6.4 million ($49.81/BOE) of petroleum and natural gas sales, a 94% increase year-over-year for Blackbird. Blackbird was only able to produce for 70% of the quarter thanks to unscheduled third-party downtime, but managed a three month average of 1,447 BOEPD.
Jericho's Geology Team Digs Into The North STACK Play of Oklahoma
Global Marine Trencher Market Report 2018-2022: CAGR to Grow at 3.94% – Trends, Drivers and Issues –
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