Monday, March 10, 2025

Aluminum Wrestles Steel for Top Spot in Electric Vehicle Market

From Reuters LONDON (Reuters) – When electric carmaker Tesla Inc. launched its first mass market model last summer, it sent a shockwave through the aluminum industry by largely shifting to steel and away from the lighter weight metal it had used in its first two luxury models. The switch by Elon Musk’s Tesla to the heavier-but-cheaper metal highlights how steel

Wind Energy

Navigating the Wind Turbine Channel

Wind leases could bring 14 GW of wind turbines offshore New York and New Jersey From WorkBoat By Kirk Moore With a few computer commands, a new future takes shape in the maritime approaches to New York Harbor. Already well known for its role in training tugboat and city ferry captains, the two-year-old Bouchard bridge simulator at SUNY Maritime College in Throggs Neck, N.Y., has

16 Contracts Awarded to 12 Bidders in Mexico’s Shallow Water Auction Round 3.1

Results of Mexico’s Shallow Water Auction – Round 3.1 18 bidders participated in the event 16 contracts were tendered to 12 bidders On Tuesday, the opening of bids and awarding of exploration and hydrocarbons production contracts for the First Tender of Round Three Shallow Water GOM were held in a public session that included a live webcast by Mexico’s CNH.