Delek US Holdings to Host Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call on November 9
Delek US Holdings to Host Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call on November 9
Delek US Holdings to Host Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call on November 9
Delek Logistics Partners, LP to Host Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call on November 9
Alon USA Partners to Host Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call on November 9
Stans Energy Receives Favourable Jurisdiction Ruling
Yearly, quarterly, monthly production records going up U.S. crude oil production remains on track to break records next year, according to a note from the EIA today. Current forecasts call for crude production of 9.4 MMBOPD in the second half of 2017. This represents 340 MBOPD of growth from the first half of 2017, and this growth is expected to
Teekay LNG Partners Announces Pricing of Series B Preferred Offering
Frontera purchases remaining stake in Pacific Midstream Canada’s Frontera Energy (ticker: FEC) announced the acquisition of Pacific Midstream Ltd, in a move that consolidates Frontera’s holdings. Frontera will pay $225 million in cash for the remaining 36.6% of Pacific, leaving it as the sole holder of the midstream company. The transaction is meant to adjust the company’s transportation obligations, decreasing
EERC down by 11 in September EnerCom released its monthly EnerCom Effective Rig Count for September today, reporting an equivalent 2,292 rigs active in the U.S., down from 2,303 last month. The Effective Rig Count adjusts reported rig counts for increasing efficiency in drilling and completions, meaning production factors into the count. Drilling activity in the U.S. is declining slightly,
Plant Farley Unit 2 planned activities underway for the production of clean, safe, affordable and reliable nuclear energy
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. Announces Monthly Dividend
Governor Signs Bill Benefitting One Company And His Sister, Consumer Watchdog Says
Archrock, Inc. and Archrock Partners, L.P. Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call
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