Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Another 1 Million Barrels of Canada’s Crude Oil Head to Asia

Suncor sells India’s IOC its first Hibernia light sweet crude cargo as two other Canadian crude cargoes head to China From Reuters Indian Oil Corp IOC.NS became India’s first refiner to buy light sweet Hibernia crude from Canada’s largest oil company, doing the deal after the opening of the arbitrage for Canadian oil to flow to Asia. A decision by the

Oil & Gas 360 - Canada Alberta Petrochemical plant canada flag 2

Fort McMurray Fire Caused Loss of 7 Million Man Hours: Statistics Canada

From Fort McMurray Today The Fort McMurray wildfire hurt crude oil production, manufacturing and led to more than seven million lost work hours in Wood Buffalo, according to Statistics Canada data presented to the Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce Thursday. However, some of Fort McMurray’s political leadership are confident the economic damage will be repaired through the rebuilding phase and

Pruitt Signals Potential Change in Federal CO2 Policy

From Akin Gump In an interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box program on March 9, 2017, recently confirmed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt stated that he “would not agree that [CO2] is a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.” The statement runs contrary to more than a decade of regulatory determinations—for example EPA’s 2009 “endangerment finding”

Tillerson Warns of Military Option if North Korea Pushes Nuclear Weapons

From the Los Angeles Times Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday that “all options” were available to deal with North Korea’s emerging nuclear threat, including a militarily strike if necessary to safeguard the region and American forces stationed here. “Certainly we do not want for things to get to a military conflict,” Tillerson told reporters here. “We’ve been quite clear