Breakthrough In Oil & Fuel Spill Response
Breakthrough In Oil & Fuel Spill Response
Energy Cloud Market Worth 15.18 Billion USD by 2021
ComEd Conducting Illinois’ First Community Energy Storage Pilot
Stratas Advisors named strategic advisor for GasTechno Energy & Fuels
Oxea Builds Second Propanol Unit at Bay City, Texas
Smart Energy Co-Op adds GridPoint’s Solution to Services Offering
Diamondback Energy, Inc. (ticker: FANG) Chief Executive Officer Travis Stice announced that Michael L. Hollis was promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer, and that Thomas F. Hawkins has joined the Company as Senior Vice President of Land. Stice also said that Teresa L. Dick, Randall J. Holder, Paul S. Molnar and Russell D. Pantermuehl were promoted to Executive Vice President positions, Mathew Kaes Van’t Hof was promoted to Senior Vice President, and
From Zacks Italian oil and gas company Eni SpA’s official claimed that the discovery of an enormous natural gas deposit in Egyptian waters has raised hopes of other such finds in the eastern Mediterranean. This is likely to help meet Europe’s energy needs. Per the official, the Zohr discovery by the company is a milestone as the find is estimated to
Double-Edged Sword: The Economics of Crude Oil?
From E&E News The Obama administration’s landmark effort to regulate hydraulic fracturing on public lands is likely a goner. President Trump’s Interior Department will soon kick off a rulemaking process to rescind the Bureau of Land Management’s fracking rule, which has been tangled in litigation since its unveiling two years ago. Justice Department lawyers representing Interior are expected to ask
Lonestar Resources US, Inc. Fourth Quarter And Year End 2016 Results Conference Call
X-energy Moves their Xe-100 Advanced Reactor into Conceptual Design
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