Sunday, September 1, 2024

Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. and Seventy Seven Energy to Merge

Service Company Makes Big Push into Land Drilling High Spec Rigs and Pressure Pumping Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. (ticker: PTEN) and Seventy Seven Energy Inc. (ticker: SVNT) today jointly announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement in which PTEN will buy SVNT through an all-stock transaction. Both companies build and operate high-spec rigs. The combined company will be called Patterson-UTI, with

Rex Tillerson

Tillerson Chosen for Secretary of State

ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO chosen to be the United States’ most powerful diplomat, 4th in line to succeed the president President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday that his pick for secretary of state will be ExxonMobil Corp. (ticker: XOM) Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson. “His tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics make him an excellent choice for Secretary of

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