Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Oil and Gas Supercycle

How E&Ps and OilService Firms Navigate in Tandem James Constas, Managing Director of EnerCom spoke at The Oil and Gas Conference 21 on Thursday morning. Constas spoke about the cyclical nature of the oil and gas cycle, the dynamics of the current cycle and what might lie ahead. By Constas’ calculations, since 1975, the oil and gas industry has been

Does it Get any Hotter than the Permian?

On day three of EnerCom’s The Oil & Gas Conference® 21, a panel of experts talked about the Permian basin and the rapid growth in activity it has seen in the past three years. Panelists were Jeb Bachmann of Scotia Howard Weil, Will Green of Stephens Inc. and Bill Davis of Vaquero Midstream. Scott Rees, Chairman of Netherland Sewell, started things off