Sunday, March 9, 2025

U.S. Jobs Report: Smallest Gain since 2010

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the June report on unemployment today. Unemployment fell from 5.0% to 4.7% and the economy added only 38,000 jobs in May. The job gain was the lowest since 2010. In the last few years, the market has averaged gains of 200,000 jobs per month. April’s gains of 123,000 jobs and the May gain of

Drilling in the Western States

U.S. Rig Count Rises for the First Time in Ten Months

U.S. rig count adds four to 408 Breaking a ten-month long decline, the U.S. rig count rose by four in the week ended June 3, 2016, according to information from Baker Hughes (ticker: BHI). The total U.S. rig count reached 408 today, sill down 53% from this time last year. The first increase in the rig count in 2016 was

OPEC Policy Stings Smaller Members as Some Fear Collapse

Poorer OPEC nations reeling hardest from oil price slide OPEC’s biannual meeting has come and gone, but the group’s objective remains the same: defend market share. While some talks may be underway to set a new production ceiling of 32-32.5 MMBOPD, OPEC’s poorer members have to simply grin and bear the consequences of low oil prices. Despite oil’s move in

Alerian MLP Index Turns 10

From Barron’s The folks who created the Alerian MLP Index (AMZ) are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the index. They are writing blog posts, creating fact-filled brochures and even sent a small box of champagne candies with press materials. But while they are trumpeting the index and its constituents, they aren’t particularly calling out the total return over that time, which is