Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Energy Upside: Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Wins Energy Board Nod

Project Wins National Energy Board’s Approval Recommendation, Government’s Final Decision Set for December Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) has concluded that Kinder Morgan’s (ticker: KMI) Trans Mountain Expansion Project is in the public interest and recommended the Federal Governor in Council approve the proposed expansion. The Trans Mountain Expansion, if it receives final approval, will add 980 kilometers of new

How do Yellen, the Fed, and the Dollar Affect Oil Prices?

June Hike Likely – What is the Effect on Oil? On Wednesday May 18, 2016, the Federal Reserve released the minutes from its April meeting, sending vibrations throughout the markets. The message from the Fed to the market was simple:  stay on your toes because the Fed is seriously considering raising interest rates in June. There has been speculation as

Total U.S. Rig Count Falls by Only 2 Rigs to 404

Count of U.S. Working Oil Rigs Holds Steady at 318 The total U.S. rig count continued its downward trend this week, but rigs targeting oil remained steady at 318. In past weeks, the majority of the rig count decline has been in the rigs targeting crude oil, rather than natural gas. The total rig count this week fell to 404,

Third CEO for Petrobras in 16 Months

The president of Brazil named Pedro Parente chief executive officer of state-led oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA. It was a move by interim Brazilian President Michel Temer to revamp economic policy and shore up the debt-laden oil producer. Parente is best known for his role as chairman of the Brazil unit of agribusiness and commodities-trading giant Bunge Ltd from 2010

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