Eversource to Webcast Discussion of First Quarter Results
Eversource to Webcast Discussion of First Quarter Results
Eversource to Webcast Discussion of First Quarter Results
from CNBC Saudi Arabia confirmed on Monday that it planned to sell a stake of its state oil giant Saudi Aramco which was expected to be valued at more than $2 trillion. The sale would be less than 5 percent of the company and would be via an initial public offering (IPO), Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in
Ur-Energy to Release 2016 First Quarter Results and Host Webcast and Teleconference
Mobile Home Parks Receive Financing Assistance to Upgrade Utility Service
Technavio Predicts the Global Mobile Robotics Market to Post a CAGR of Over 12% From 2016-2020
From Forbes: Although the slowest pace since 1990, China’s economy still grew by nearly 7% last year. This economic “slowdown” and sunken energy namely for coal and oil have cut growth in China’s natural gas demand. Yet, gas use in 2015 was still up 4%, and an 18% gain in January YOY should mean better prospects this year. In 2015, China still consumed 35% more gas than
From Reuters: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet are broadly “aligned” with Alberta and the need to develop pipelines to get the region’s oil to market, the leader of the province said on Sunday. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said she had emerged from a meeting with Trudeau and his cabinet with the feeling they were on the same
Genie Energy (GNE) to Report First Quarter 2016 Results
From TASS: Potential buyers of Rosneft and Bashneft shares are already in talks with the Russian government, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said Monday. “There are two deals we’re first of all concerned about – Rosneft and Bashneft. As you know the Rosneft deal is very advantageous to us if it happens as it means funds will be raised
Canada’s Non-Resource Exports Take Centre Stage in 2016
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