Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Crude Oil Storage – December 23, 2015

December 23, 2015 CRUDE OIL INVENTORY/’000 bbls (Week Ended 12/18/15) Current: 484,780 Actual Build/(Withdrawal): (5,877) Economist Average Estimate: 1,363 Previous: 490,657 Click here for the chart with five year averages. CRUDE OIL IN THE MEDIA *Why are You Drilling? – Oil & Gas 360® Does the term “bearish” even begin to describe commodity prices anymore? Oil prices are generating most of

HR: How to Hit the Best Recruiting Window of 2016

Story by BizJournals. Clever employers were actively recruiting in October and November so they could make their job offers now, let their new hires give notice through the holidays, and start fresh in January. It’s a great strategy. But that new job opening at your company is so untimely because another employer used this clever seasonal timing against you. You

SD Regulators Won’t Toss Keystone XL Re-Approval Application

Story from Houston Chronicle/AP. South Dakota regulators a dismissed request Tuesday to throw out an application for the South Dakota portion of the Keystone XL pipeline, setting up a decision as early as next month from the Public Utilities Commission on whether to re-approve the embattled project. Pipeline opponents argued before the panel that President Barack Obama killed the project in November,