Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Export Study

Brookings Study Finds Multiple Benefits from Immediately Lifting U.S. Crude Export Ban

The Brookings Institute released a study last week comparing the effects of immediate lifting of the U.S. crude oil export ban vs. delaying till 2020. The study data showed a positive uptick for the GDP in all cases, a 0.14 change in welfare, annual reduction in unemployment, additional production of 1.5 MMBOD in 2015, decline in gasoline prices by 9

ETP Simplifies Structure with $20 Billion Sunoco Acquisition

E&Ps Finding the Powder River Basin is an Oil Play

The Powder River Basin (PRB), an area in Wyoming traditionally exploited for its coal resources and coalbed methane gas opportunities, has more than doubled its oil output since 2009. The Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Today in Energy segment for September 15, 2014, credits the rise in production to new drilling and completion practices, or largely the use of horizontal drilling